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Breakthrough Center Toronto ® 
1A Fourteenth St, Toronto, Ontario 
M8V3H8 Canada Tel: 647-505-8607 

Psychotherapy Services Covered By Most Extended Health Insurance 
Coaching Services 
Breakthrough Center Coaching Services
Coaching is a powerful practice that supports individuals in achieving specific personal or professional goals. At our center, we are dedicated to providing transformative coaching experiences to empower individuals and groups on their journey of growth and success.

What Does Coaching Do?

1. Goals and Direction: Clarity is power! Our coaches work collaboratively with clients to define their goals and establish clear directions, ensuring a roadmap for success.

2. Strategic Planning: We assist in creating a comprehensive plan for success, determining strategic actions that align with your objectives. This strategic approach is tailored to meet your unique needs and aspirations.

3. Skill Enhancement: Whether it's upgrading existing skills or utilizing present skills more effectively, our coaching services focus on empowering you with the tools and capabilities necessary for success.

4. Optimized Environments: We help optimize your environments to align with your goals. Whether in your personal or professional life, creating environments that support your aspirations is crucial for sustained success.

5. Psychological Mastery: Our coaching approach empowers clients to master their psychology, fostering a mindset conducive to overcoming challenges and achieving breakthroughs.

Our Coaching Approach:

Our coaches employ a facilitating style, asking questions and challenging limiting beliefs to stimulate positive change. Through a variety of coaching methodologies, we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs, ensuring a personalized and impactful coaching experience.

Tools and Resources:

Our coaches bring a wealth of tools and resources to assist clients in setting and reaching their goals. These resources encompass a diverse range of strategies, techniques, and frameworks designed to enhance your coaching journey.

Flexible Coaching Formats:

Coaching is performed with individuals and groups, offering flexibility in session formats. Whether in person, over the phone, or online, we strive to provide accessible and convenient coaching services to meet your preferences and lifestyle.

Embark on a transformative journey with our] Coaching Services. Let us guide you towards unlocking your full potential, achieving your goals, and creating a life of purpose and fulfillment. Contact us today to start your coaching journey!
"I had a dream of clients "lining up to see me". All I can say is IT'S HAPPENING. You are truly the best at what you do."

40 yeard old male

  • Career and life transition 
  • Leadership 
  • Weight Loss  
  • Divorce Prevention 
  • Business Growth 
  • Wellness 

  •   Core Message Coaching
  •   Embodiment Coaching
  •   Voice Coaching
  •   Presentation Coaching
  •   Narrative Coaching 

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